Balancing Act: Strategies for Prioritizing Marriage in a Busy Life.

I’m going to be honest. This is really to me. I have found that being transparent allows me to connect stronger with you. These honest social media posts also dismantle the idea of perfection. Social media can be a confusing place when we only see “perfect”. So here it goes,

My husband and I have been married for 4 years. I’ve been running my own business for 8. In coaching I am ALWAYS on, always listening and evaluating. I’ve been in recovery for 11 years, I have women under me that I work steps with and women above me that work with me. I’ve had my son for 3 years now. I’ve joined a gigantic mental health company and am now seeing 16 clients a week in addition to my private caseload (again listening and evaluating). Heath and fitness play a huge role in my world, my community, my spiritual practice are all non negotiables (my medicine). Not to mention I’m leaving to Indonesia this month for 3 weeks and my son is starting baseball for the first time.

We have big, beautiful, hectic, lives.
A reality I know many of you can relate to. I have found that my husband will get the short end of the stick. He gets the tired, burnt out, frustrated, short, Dina. The Dina that can’t listen anymore. No one doubts my love for him, I love what we’ve created. I love how hard he works to stay healthy and happy and show up. I love our home, the energy we foster as a unit, our goals, his heart.

Marriage is a lot of work. I talk about that often because I see a misconception in young couples that come in my office. It’s choosing your partner every day, having hard conversations, being able to see your part and take personal responsibility. It is a fuck ton of grace.

Sometimes we have to go back to the drawing board, together and see what’s working and what’s not. For us this week it’s claiming Sundays as our catch up day. It’s me tuning in to him (everything I pinpointed on the photo) as well as me taking care of myself in a way that doesn’t include abandoning my own needs.

Struggling does not equate failure.

♥️ In what area can you tighten up for the people you love? ♥️


Confronting Avoidance. A Path to Overcoming Anxiety.


Developing a loving kindness practice.