Unlocking Satisfaction: Steps to Finding Fulfillment in Life.

Life is so much more than just existing, coping, and surviving! It does not have to be a rollercoaster of highs and lows. Answer these questions and use them in your daily affirmation routine, to find “Peace of Mind” and gratification.

Being Satisfied In My Humanness

1. What three words best describe you as an individual?

2. What is unique about you that leads to your happiest times?

3. Reflect on a specific time at work or home that you were acting in a way that felt in-sync with your truth and power, how can you repeat that?

4. Identify your weaknesses and honor your signature strengths in order figure out how to use them?

Affirm and trust. These answers tell an important part of your core truth. By learning how to implement our strengths daily we train our brains to be positive. Our brains are wired to notice and remember the things that are wrong. This traces back to descending from the ancient human homo heidelbergensis (cave-dwelling ancestors) from a time where this sort of primitive brain kept us alive. This trait was a critical survival tactic which has become a useless defect on the road to happiness. Our story is what makes up our authenticity. Knowing and honoring our authentic selves can help us stay present and satisfied.

For example (my answers to the above questions)

1. I am grateful, empathetic and motivated!

2. My happiest times are connecting and healing with others; so, I would say my unique aspect that brings me to connect intimately to others is my addiction/recovery AKA my “stinkin thinkin”, disease of perception, need for more.

3. In college I felt powerful, confident and vulnerable. I was in a safe environment. I did extensive research and had support and validation from brilliant professors. I stood up for what I believed in. And most importantly I honored my truth even when others didn’t love it. By honoring my differences, I was able to learn more about my beliefs and open people/myself up to new ideas, all while learning to communicate effectively through compassion.

4. I am not detail oriented. I take on too much. I am reactive. I am competitive. I am always willing to take an introspective look for growth. I love deeply. I am solution based. By recognizing myself and affirming my humanness, I am able to own the clean and the messy, making it irrefutable not to operate from my power and construct my life work most effectively. Try it out, lay out your pieces, dance around in them, get cozy. How can you expect anyone else to be comfortable with you if there are pieces you are not good with? By incorporating daily tools, we are able to break the chains of our biologically negative brains to evolve into a more formidable “positive Polly” brain. Stay tuned for my blog on Positive Rewiring; From Caveman to Enlightened.


Values and how they can change your life.


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