Values and how they can change your life.

When you are clear on your values, you have a blueprint to live from, a backbone of right and wrong. It becomes easier to tap into your inner wisdom. You learn to rely on yourself, trust yourselves and even admire yourselves. The more you are in alignment with your truth the more secure you become within self. When you are secure you can show up differently, less self-obsessed and more present for others and your authentic truth. Here we are free to be who we are.

So many people come into my office feeling anxious, disconnected, depressed, and checked out. And what I have found over and over again is they are their BIGGEST problem. Some examples of what it looks like to identify and live from your values; let’s say you hold integrity to a high regard. Professionally, for me, this might look like referring a client to a doctor when I know they require care beyond what I can offer instead of taking their money for my own gain. Courtesy is another and could be as simple as putting the cart back at the grocery store. Financial integrity might look like waiting to pay for something in cash rather than having someone else pay for it or go into debt over the item. Practicing restraint and not giving out advice unless asked. Some examples of core values without commitment and follow-through: integrity, but you’re cheating on your taxes. Honesty, but you’re flirting with your married neighbor. Restraint, but you gossip about everyone. Freedom, but you’re in a controlling relationship. Education, but you are afraid of failure, so you never pursue higher learning. Are you connecting the dots here?

We each have a value system intrinsic to us. When we can’t identify what those values are, it becomes increasingly difficult to see the patterns of our own discourse. However, once we’ve identified our core values, we can do our best to live and make decisions from them. This gives ourselves the ability to connect to our truth and honor our spirit. When we are connected to ourselves, we can better connect with our children, partners, friends, and the world! We begin to sleep peacefully and shine from the inside out.

To sum all of this up so that it sticks, people feel like shit because they are not living in alignment with their core values. Because many people aren’t aware of what their core values are. I want to challenge you to discover those personal values and take a look at areas of your life where there is connection and disconnection from them.


Mastering Triggers: Strategies for Responding Effectively.


Unlocking Satisfaction: Steps to Finding Fulfillment in Life.